Feast of the Triple Goddess (EWD #6)

This post of Every Witch Day is dedicated to the concept of the Triple Goddess in all its incarnations. Blessed be! πŸŒ’πŸŒ•πŸŒ˜

Maiden, Mother, Crone

The origins of this incarnation of the Triple Goddess are heavily disputed, however in ancient times it is clear that triple Goddesses were both known and venerated. Here is a quick exploration of each aspect:

This aspect represents new beginnings, inception, purity, freedom, naivety and youth. The symbol of the Maiden is the waxing moon. Maiden Goddesses include Inanna, Artemis, and others.

This aspect represents growth, fulfillment, fruition, responsibility, sexuality, fertility, power and life. The symbol of the Mother is the full moon. Mother Goddesses include Selene, Arianrhod, and others.

Wisdom, death, magic, and endings. The symbol of the Crone is the waning moon. Crone Goddesses include Hecate, Ceridwen, and others.

The Morrigan

A multifaceted Goddess (or perhaps trinity of Goddesses) of Celtic origin. They are associated with death, sorcery, and war. Their 3 aspects are explored below:

A war Goddess who takes the form of a crow, Badb would use confusion and fear to manipulate her opponents and win battles. She is known for appearing before war to foreshadow the carnage and death to come. Badb is also associated with enlightenment, wisdom, and rebirth.

This Goddess’ name possibly takes its roots from “mag”, meaning field or pasture. She is associated with land, horses, power, death and sexuality. As part of the Morrigan she rains fire down upon her enemies. She is symbolised by a raven.

As part of the Morrigan, Nemain’s role is very similar to Badb. She is a prophetess who is connected to the Banshee, using her cries to create panic and confusion. She often appears as a carrion crow.

When feasting for the Triple Goddess, you can focus on having at least one food or drink associated with each aspect, for example: seeds and sprouts for the Maiden, fruits for the Mother, and herbs associated with psychic ability for the Crone.

Do you celebrate the Triple Goddess? Comment below on how you do it! 😊 Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.🌟

Deity of the Day

β—‹ Celtic Goddess
β—‹ Represents: Inspiration, Rebirth, Magic, Wisdom and Transformation
β—‹ Known for her magic cauldron, Ceridwen is a shape shifting Crone Goddess who can be called upon for aid with creativity and magic, especially potion magic.

More Info

β—‹ The Morrigan
β—‹ Ceridwen

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